Ný bylting á tímum iðnleiða

Bearing iðnaðar er matur véla. Í síðari heimsstyrjöldinni var þýskur burðarbær sprengdur af bandarískum flugvélum sem leiddu til lömunar á framleiðslulínum flugvéla og iðnaðarvéla. Og höfðu loks áhrif á líflínu allrar Þýskalands. Þó hlutarnir séu litlir en ábyrgðin er veruleg. stjórnvöld Stórfelldir auka háþróaða framleiðslugetu og styðja við vélvæðingarverksmiðjur. Svo lengi sem vélin vill snúast verður hún að nota hágæða legur. Smáhlutarnir ráða öllu.

2.5. 行业 新闻 .png

At present, domestic bearings are mainly divided into three categories: imported bearings (high-end and mid-end customers), domestic bearings (middle-end and low-end customers), Linqing bearings (cheap-copy and small-brand bearings), monopolize the entire market. The imported bearings is recognized as high-quality and durable,but people easy to buy fake goods and production waiting time is long.And the price is also several times than the domestic bearings.In this case,the customers have to choose.In recent years,the domestic bearings technical make breakthroughs.However, in the selection of materials and heat treatment, polishing is still worse than the foreigners.But it is popular among the mid-range and low-end customers who are not very demanding.The price is much cheaper. Linqing bearings are crowned with the production of fake bearings and small brands.Everyone should chooses genuine bearings, saying no to fakes, so as not to bring unnecessary economic losses. 

China has reformed and opened up now.In addition to Sweden, Japan, and Germany, the big three exporters, including the United States, Italy, Europe, and other import and export countries have brought their industrial machinery products to China.which is undoubtedly give a new positioning and shuffling to the bearing industry.The future trend is not that your price is high, the quality is good, you can do whatever you want. The competitive trend will make the service, price, quality, after-sales perfect and truly meet the market demand.
